The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goal, are a call for action to respond to the global challenges that face our world; challenges such as poverty, inequality, protecting the planet and ensuring everyone enjoy peace and prosperity. These goals are distinct in the fact that they are interconnected- often the key to achieve one goal will involve tackling issues associated with another, and inclusive- that they include everyone without distinction and unite us together to make a positive change in our world and achieve sustainability.

Oman was among the world nations at the UN Summit in September 2015 to recognize and adopt the Sustainable Development Goals, becoming one of the member states that agreed upon devoting all efforts to attain these goals. Thus, they were integrated into the main pillars of the Ninth National Five-Year Plan of the Sultanate. The first Voluntary National Report (VNR) (Arabic Only) reviews the Sultanate’s achievement of the Sustainable development goals, follow-up progress made, and shed light on the challenges facing the implementation. You can further learn more about the latest updates and developments regarding the sustainable development goals available on the Supreme Council for Planning website.