One-stop-shop services platform

A list of the available OSS in Oman

Invest Easy

Business (Invest Easy)

The Invest Easy portal (One Stop Shop) provides fast and easy e-services to help set up and manage companies in Oman. Using the e-services helps minimize paperwork and save costs and time.


Customs (Bayan)

Bayan system is an online one-stop-shop offered by the Royal Oman Police (ROP) - Directorate General of Customs that facilitates seamless, convenient and fast clearance of goods for trading communities.



Ministry of Manpower provides a single online platform to the Citizens and Business Owners to find services related information and apply for those services through a unified and easy to use application.

Online Services

A list of online services sorted by the service provider

Service Description

It is the service through which the request for a well -prohibiting permit is submitted inside the industrial cities, the Knowledge Oasis (Wahat Almaarifa), or the free zone of AlMazyouna

  1. 1- Request letter from the investor
  2. 2- Approval of the Director General of the Industrial City
  3. 3- Municipality approval
  4. 4- A plan of the well drilling site
  1. The ownership of the well in the name of the industrial city
  2. - The water is consumed only for the purposes that are approved by the administration
  3. industrial city
  4. - Not to allow in any way the company authorized to sell water to a third party
  5. Commitment to put a counter on the well
  6. - Commitment to the amount of water allowed to be extracted according to the license issued to dig the well and in
  7. The case of using higher quantities will be applied for the water pricing for the additional quantities
  8. The exploitation period does not exceed 5 years
  1. beneficiary
  2. The investor submits an application for a well drilling service by attending the Masar Center
  3. Non-electronic
  4. 10 minutes
  5. Specialist
  6. A path employee checks the request In the event of notes, the investor is re -requested with notes to correct them. In the absence of notes, the request status is transferred to "approved" by a path employee and the request is transferred to the Director General of Industrial Cities
  7. Semi-electronic
  8. 20 minutes
  9. Decision maker
  10. The Director General of Industrial Cities reviews the request In the event that the request is rejected, the request for the request is transferred to the "rejection of the request" coupled with reasons for rejection In the event that an application is approved by the general manager of the region, the request for the request is transferred to the approved and informs the investor to agree to review the municipality in the governorate to agree to the request.
  11. Non-electronic
  12. hour
  13. Decision maker
  14. The concerned authority in the municipality checks the request In the event that the municipality is approved, the investor issues the ownership of the well in the name of the city and reviews a path employee to complete the procedures. In the event that the municipality is not approved, the request is closed and a permit to dig a well.
  15. Non-electronic
  16. a work day
  17. Specialist
  18. Massar employee audits the ownership deed In the event of notes, the investor is re -requested with notes to correct them. In the absence of notes, the application status is transferred to the operations department.
  19. Non-electronic
  20. 10 minutes
  21. Specialist
  22. The Operations Department detects the well dug according to the attached plans In the event of notes, the investor is re -requested with the notes to be corrected. In the absence of notes, an application is approved by the employee of the Operations Department.
  23. Non-electronic
  24. Half a working day
  25. beneficiary
  26. The investor appoints a contractor for the project according to the procedures used in the process of appointing a contractor
  27. Non-electronic
  28. 10 minutes
  29. beneficiary
  30. Issuing a work permit for the project according to a project work permit
  31. Non-electronic
  32. 20 minutes
  33. Decision maker
  34. In the event of the completion of the implementation of the project, a license is issued for the well on which the quantity is allowed to be exploited, and a construction certificate is issued according to the procedures followed in the construction process.
  35. Non-electronic
  36. Two hours of work
  37. Specialist
  38. The employee of the Operations Department is sensitive to the well drilling site, calculates the capacity of the well, installing it on the system, making sure that the water meter is installed on the well and calculate the fees due based on the capacity of the well
  39. Non-electronic
  40. One hour
  41. beneficiary
  42. The investor pays the fees due monthly to the quantities of water extracted from the well by attending the Masar Center
  43. Non-electronic
  44. 10 minutes

Customers Service

Customer Service Number

24170700 968+

Working hours (call center / customer services)

07:30 AM - 02:30 PM