Oman PKI Initiative

Oman PKI Initiative


Oman Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a national initiative that sets the infrastructure needed for all government entities to provide eServices in Oman. It is employed in order to enable online transactions for citizens and to raise the level of security and authenticity of electronic paperwork. It allows exchanging information securely as it provides a high level of confidentiality by using eID, mobile ID or USB Token.
Oman PKI aims at providing a secure technology for information documentation, electronic credibility and identification and authentication of users as well as signing all transactions online by using electronic ID.
PKI is responsible for:

  • Delivering certification services on behalf of MTC in accordance with MTC approved policies, requirements and agreements.
  • Providing the possibility to join Oman National PKI at Registration Authority (RA) or Sub Certificate Authority (Sub CA).
  • Securing the communications between servers to servers or clients to servers by utilizing server/client.

PKI provides five main services:

  • Authentication: The traditional way of authenticating on websites was to sign in by entering the user name and the password. However, this way is not secure as anyone can hack them and use them illegally. Whereas, PKI uses an alternative method whereby an electronic ID, mobile ID or Token is required to authenticate the identity of the user.
  • Electronic Signature: Any citizen can use this feature to sign any certificate online at any time without the need to go to the concerned premises. S/he can use eID, mobile ID or Token to do so.
  • Encryption: It is the process of encoding information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it. PKI activated this feature so that information is saved securely.
  • Email Encryption: By utilizing PKI, persons can send files through emails safely in which USB Token is used only.
  • Email signature: another way of ensuring the confidentiality of data sent by emails is through signature which can be obtained from using USB Token only.


Furthermore, the Digital Identity page includes all the information you need to know on the use of PKI certification system in Oman.


Source: Ministry of Technology and Communications

