Ministries and Entities
Royal Oman Police
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
Environment Authority
Ministry of Commerce ,Industry and Investment Promotion
Ministry of Agriculture ,Fisheries Wealth & Water
Ministry Of Health
Ministry of Labour
Ministry of Transport , Communications and IT
Tax Authority
Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ministry of Finance
Foreign Ministry
Ministry of Heritage and Tourism
Ministry of Energy and Minerals
Ministry of Information
Governorate of Dhofar
Civil Aviation Authority
Oman Post and Asyad Express
Ministry of Culture, Sports & Youth
Public Establishment For Industrial Estates
Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones
Oman Authority for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education
Ministry of Justice & legal Affairs
Oman Medical Specialty Board
Public Authority for Social Insurance
National Records and Archives Authority
Ministry of Housing and urban planning
National Center for Statistics and Information
Ministry of Higher Education, Research & Innovatin
Ministry of Awqaf (Endowments) & Religious Affairs
Sultan Qaboos University
Civil Service Employees Pension Fund
State Audit Institutation
Muscat Governorate
Capital Market Authority
Central Bank of Oman
General Secretarait of the Tender Board
Ministry of Social Development
Civil Defence and Ambulance Authority
Consumer Protection Authority
Council of Administrative Affairs for The Judiciary
Oman Public Prosecution
Ministry of Education
Administrative Judicature Court
Ministry of Interior
Authority for SMEs Development
Governorate of Musandam
Authority for Public Services Regulation
The University of Technology and Applied Sciences
Oman Credit and Financial Information Center (Mala'a)
See More...
Portal Statistics
Available Services
Government e-tenders through (Esnad)2022
Online Services
General Information
About Oman
About HM
Having a Baby
Having a Baby
Issuing a birth certificate
Issuing a birth certificate/damaged/damaged
View More...
Going to School
Going to School
The service of obtaining a seat in higher education institutions inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman
Awareness request/professional advice
Enter the options of the tenth grade students for the subjects
Issuing a certificate/ academic qualification
Request a 12 -year completion certificate
Registration request for regular students
Request to register new students in the first grade
Request to continue studying for glorious students
A request for certification and equation of a study qualification
View More...
Living in Oman
Living in Oman
ID Issue/New
ID card version/renewal
Issuing personal cards lost/damaged
Issuing a registration proof form
Correct the restrictions of civil status
Reporting the ID loss
New voter registration service
Remote vote
Electronic voting
Votel registration service
View More...
Getting a Job
Getting a Job
Submitting a job complaints
Nomination on job opportunities
Apply for job opportunities (recruitment)
A new job researcher registration
Create and update the CV
Advanced jobs
Activating the search for work
Registration in vacant government jobs
Training coupled with operation
Business training
View More...
Starting a Business
Starting a Business
Beneficiary System
Create a new trade record, a limited responsibility company
Project financing request
Request for entrepreneurship card
Request to embrace a project
Request to obtain land for the right
Create a commercial record of an individual merchant
Creating a new commercial record of a solidarity company
Create a commercial record of one person company
Create a commercial business record
View More...
Owning a Vehicle
Owning a Vehicle
Issuing a new driver's license
Renewing driving licenses
Issuing a driving license instead of a lost allowance
Renew a vehicle license
Recording a new vehicle
Issuing a driver's learning license
Traffic violations service service
Renewing a permit to reserve public positions
View More...
Getting a House
Getting a House
Request to extract a royal bond instead of a lost allowance
Building license issuance
Request a piece of residential land (choose your land)
Request a residential loan
Register a lease contract
Request residential help
Request to prove and register the king
Request to obtain a certificate of completing a building
Documenting a new rental contract
Request delivery services for an existing building
View More...
The registration of the divorce incident
The registration of the marriage incident
Request to open a self -project for social security families and their like
Request for a temporary housing assistance
Request for assistance to furnish analgesic for the individual or the family
Social security request
Submit aid request (educational, health, in -kind)
Submit the request for marriage (the youth category of youth integration homes, incubating families, unknown father)
Request for marriage counseling service (lectures - training courses - seminars)
Request for a family consulting service (office)
View More...
Asking for a living
Request to obtain the pension value
The end of the previous service reward for those enrolled in the authorities whose systems allow the exchange of subscriptions
Exclusive to the end of service dues
Request to issue a retired card
Request to pay a reward for those enrolled in the bodies subject to the retirement fund for the Royal Tiles Court
Conducting a social research for the state of the heirs of retirees from retirement funds
Request to join the period of legalization
Request to amend the insured data basic
Include the period of actual service
View More...
Starting a Business
Starting a Business
Investor visa
Investor visa renewal request
Obtaining an investor residence
Investment license application
Request to register a commercial agency
Create a commercial record of an individual merchant
Creating a new commercial record of a solidarity company
Create a commercial record of one person company
Create a new commercial registry company recommendation
The investor's joining visa
View More...
Growing Business
Growing Business
Update commercial registry data
Submit a new license application/renewal/update/cancellation
Transfer ownership of a commercial record
Commercial mortgage update
The renewal of the commercial register
Request to register a commercial agency
Request to update a commercial agency data
Restructuring of companies
Register a foreign company branch
Registration of a commercial representation office
View More...
Activities and Permits
Activities and Permits
Request for license to use the Omani quality mark
Submit a new license application/renewal/update/cancellation
Investment license application
Submit a new industrial license request/renewal/update/cancellation
Registration of contracts for patent exploitation -(individuals -companies)
Registration of compulsory licensing - individuals /companies
Issuing a permit certificate for restricted products
Approval of a permit to import products restricted through the customs statement system
Registration/renewal of license authorities for the conformity evaluation certificates
Registration/renewal of licensing inspection offices in accordance with the international standard ISO 17020
View More...
Filing Tax
Filing Tax
Issuing the tax certificate
Issuing a tax residence certificate
Issuing a tax clearance certificate
Issuing the discount tax certificate from the source
Registration in the selective tax
Registration in value -added tax
Issuing the tax card
Providing tax decisions
Registration in income tax
Update personal data
View More...
Register users in the statement system
Request to amend the customs statement
Request to cancel the customs statement
Request to provide customs guarantees
Create a statement clearing quick mail shipments
Preparation clearance
Individual user registration in a statement system
Customs a customs statement
Customs declaration
Request to re -name a user in the statement system
View More...
Having a Baby
Having a Baby
Issuing a birth certificate
Issuing a birth certificate/damaged/damaged
View More...
Going to School
Going to School
Issuing a study visa
Applications for enrollment for graduate students
Request a message to facilitate the task of a researcher
A request to register a student in government schools is not good at the Arabic language, speaking and writing
Requesting the equation of academic certificates issued from outside the Sultanate or international certificates from international schools within the Sultanate for the purpose of completing university study or for the purpose of work
Request to register students coming from outside the Sultanate
Facilitate the task of a researcher or provide data for research purposes at Sultan Qaboos University
Request for issuance/renovation of the study visa for graduate students
Request a travel ticket for expatriate scholarship students
Request for reservation for housing for expatriate students
View More...
Living in Oman
Living in Oman
Issuing accommodation cards
A guaranteed tourist visit visa
Relative enrollment visa
A multi -trips visit visa
Request a visa for residents in the countries of the Council
Issuing accommodation cards damaged/lost
Issuing the residence card/renewal
Extending a visit to residents of the GCC countries
Issuing a foreign residence proof certificate
View More...
Getting a Job
Getting a Job
Submitting a job complaints
Action contract visa
Temporary work visa
work visa
House worker visa
Work visa
Request to renew a work visa
Registration of the work contract for a non -Amanite workforce
Extending a contract to work
Change the employer (sponsor)
View More...
Starting a Business
Starting a Business
Investor visa
Investor visa renewal request
Obtaining an investor residence
Investment license application
Request to register a commercial agency
Create a commercial record of an individual merchant
Creating a new commercial record of a solidarity company
Create a commercial record of one person company
Create a new commercial registry company recommendation
The investor's joining visa
View More...
Owning a Vehicle
Owning a Vehicle
Issuing a new driver's license
Renewing driving licenses
Issuing a driving license instead of a lost allowance
Issuing a permit to reserve public positions
Renew a vehicle license
Recording a new vehicle
Issuing a driver's learning license
Traffic violations service service
Renewing a permit to reserve public positions
View More...
Getting a House
Getting a House
A request to own a property for citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in the Sultanate
A request to own a property in one of the tourist complexes
Renewing the lease contract
Register a lease contract
Request a visa for residents in the countries of the Council
Documenting a new rental contract
Cancel the lease contract
Extending a visit to residents of the GCC countries
Issuing a foreign residence proof certificate
View More...
View More...
View More...
National Digital Economy Program
Digital Economy Program
Digital Transformation Program
AI and Space Program
Open Data
Emerging Technologies
Policies and Strategies
Sustainable Development
Regional Online Gateways
Govornorate of Muscat
Govornorate of Dhofar
Govornorate of Buraimi
Governorate of AlSharquia North
Governorate of AlSharquia South
Governorate of AlBatinah North
Govornorate of Musandam
Govornorate of Aldakhlyaa
Whole of Government
ICT Company Profiling
Company Information
The Unified Government Services Catalogue
Home Page
Entity Detail
General Information
About Oman
About HM
Having a Baby
Having a Baby
Issuing a birth certificate
Issuing a birth certificate/damaged/damaged
View More...
Going to School
Going to School
The service of obtaining a seat in higher education institutions inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman
Awareness request/professional advice
Enter the options of the tenth grade students for the subjects
Issuing a certificate/ academic qualification
Request a 12 -year completion certificate
Registration request for regular students
Request to register new students in the first grade
Request to continue studying for glorious students
A request for certification and equation of a study qualification
View More...
Living in Oman
Living in Oman
ID Issue/New
ID card version/renewal
Issuing personal cards lost/damaged
Issuing a registration proof form
Correct the restrictions of civil status
Reporting the ID loss
New voter registration service
Remote vote
Electronic voting
Votel registration service
View More...
Getting a Job
Getting a Job
Submitting a job complaints
Nomination on job opportunities
Apply for job opportunities (recruitment)
A new job researcher registration
Create and update the CV
Advanced jobs
Activating the search for work
Registration in vacant government jobs
Training coupled with operation
Business training
View More...
Starting a Business
Starting a Business
Beneficiary System
Create a new trade record, a limited responsibility company
Project financing request
Request for entrepreneurship card
Request to embrace a project
Request to obtain land for the right
Create a commercial record of an individual merchant
Creating a new commercial record of a solidarity company
Create a commercial record of one person company
Create a commercial business record
View More...
Owning a Vehicle
Owning a Vehicle
Issuing a new driver's license
Renewing driving licenses
Issuing a driving license instead of a lost allowance
Renew a vehicle license
Recording a new vehicle
Issuing a driver's learning license
Traffic violations service service
Renewing a permit to reserve public positions
View More...
Getting a House
Getting a House
Request to extract a royal bond instead of a lost allowance
Building license issuance
Request a piece of residential land (choose your land)
Request a residential loan
Register a lease contract
Request residential help
Request to prove and register the king
Request to obtain a certificate of completing a building
Documenting a new rental contract
Request delivery services for an existing building
View More...
The registration of the divorce incident
The registration of the marriage incident
Request to open a self -project for social security families and their like
Request for a temporary housing assistance
Request for assistance to furnish analgesic for the individual or the family
Social security request
Submit aid request (educational, health, in -kind)
Submit the request for marriage (the youth category of youth integration homes, incubating families, unknown father)
Request for marriage counseling service (lectures - training courses - seminars)
Request for a family consulting service (office)
View More...
Asking for a living
Request to obtain the pension value
The end of the previous service reward for those enrolled in the authorities whose systems allow the exchange of subscriptions
Exclusive to the end of service dues
Request to issue a retired card
Request to pay a reward for those enrolled in the bodies subject to the retirement fund for the Royal Tiles Court
Conducting a social research for the state of the heirs of retirees from retirement funds
Request to join the period of legalization
Request to amend the insured data basic
Include the period of actual service
View More...
Starting a Business
Starting a Business
Investor visa
Investor visa renewal request
Obtaining an investor residence
Investment license application
Request to register a commercial agency
Create a commercial record of an individual merchant
Creating a new commercial record of a solidarity company
Create a commercial record of one person company
Create a new commercial registry company recommendation
The investor's joining visa
View More...
Growing Business
Growing Business
Update commercial registry data
Submit a new license application/renewal/update/cancellation
Transfer ownership of a commercial record
Commercial mortgage update
The renewal of the commercial register
Request to register a commercial agency
Request to update a commercial agency data
Restructuring of companies
Register a foreign company branch
Registration of a commercial representation office
View More...
Activities and Permits
Activities and Permits
Request for license to use the Omani quality mark
Submit a new license application/renewal/update/cancellation
Investment license application
Submit a new industrial license request/renewal/update/cancellation
Registration of contracts for patent exploitation -(individuals -companies)
Registration of compulsory licensing - individuals /companies
Issuing a permit certificate for restricted products
Approval of a permit to import products restricted through the customs statement system
Registration/renewal of license authorities for the conformity evaluation certificates
Registration/renewal of licensing inspection offices in accordance with the international standard ISO 17020
View More...
Filing Tax
Filing Tax
Issuing the tax certificate
Issuing a tax residence certificate
Issuing a tax clearance certificate
Issuing the discount tax certificate from the source
Registration in the selective tax
Registration in value -added tax
Issuing the tax card
Providing tax decisions
Registration in income tax
Update personal data
View More...
Register users in the statement system
Request to amend the customs statement
Request to cancel the customs statement
Request to provide customs guarantees
Create a statement clearing quick mail shipments
Preparation clearance
Individual user registration in a statement system
Customs a customs statement
Customs declaration
Request to re -name a user in the statement system
View More...
Having a Baby
Having a Baby
Issuing a birth certificate
Issuing a birth certificate/damaged/damaged
View More...
Going to School
Going to School
Issuing a study visa
Applications for enrollment for graduate students
Request a message to facilitate the task of a researcher
A request to register a student in government schools is not good at the Arabic language, speaking and writing
Requesting the equation of academic certificates issued from outside the Sultanate or international certificates from international schools within the Sultanate for the purpose of completing university study or for the purpose of work
Request to register students coming from outside the Sultanate
Facilitate the task of a researcher or provide data for research purposes at Sultan Qaboos University
Request for issuance/renovation of the study visa for graduate students
Request a travel ticket for expatriate scholarship students
Request for reservation for housing for expatriate students
View More...
Living in Oman
Living in Oman
Issuing accommodation cards
A guaranteed tourist visit visa
Relative enrollment visa
A multi -trips visit visa
Request a visa for residents in the countries of the Council
Issuing accommodation cards damaged/lost
Issuing the residence card/renewal
Extending a visit to residents of the GCC countries
Issuing a foreign residence proof certificate
View More...
Getting a Job
Getting a Job
Submitting a job complaints
Action contract visa
Temporary work visa
work visa
House worker visa
Work visa
Request to renew a work visa
Registration of the work contract for a non -Amanite workforce
Extending a contract to work
Change the employer (sponsor)
View More...
Starting a Business
Starting a Business
Investor visa
Investor visa renewal request
Obtaining an investor residence
Investment license application
Request to register a commercial agency
Create a commercial record of an individual merchant
Creating a new commercial record of a solidarity company
Create a commercial record of one person company
Create a new commercial registry company recommendation
The investor's joining visa
View More...
Owning a Vehicle
Owning a Vehicle
Issuing a new driver's license
Renewing driving licenses
Issuing a driving license instead of a lost allowance
Issuing a permit to reserve public positions
Renew a vehicle license
Recording a new vehicle
Issuing a driver's learning license
Traffic violations service service
Renewing a permit to reserve public positions
View More...
Getting a House
Getting a House
A request to own a property for citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in the Sultanate
A request to own a property in one of the tourist complexes
Renewing the lease contract
Register a lease contract
Request a visa for residents in the countries of the Council
Documenting a new rental contract
Cancel the lease contract
Extending a visit to residents of the GCC countries
Issuing a foreign residence proof certificate
View More...
View More...
View More...
National Digital Economy Program
Digital Economy Program
Digital Transformation Program
AI and Space Program
Open Data
Emerging Technologies
Policies and Strategies
Sustainable Development
Regional Online Gateways
Govornorate of Muscat
Govornorate of Dhofar
Govornorate of Buraimi
Governorate of AlSharquia North
Governorate of AlSharquia South
Governorate of AlBatinah North
Govornorate of Musandam
Govornorate of Aldakhlyaa
Govornorate of Al Dhahirah
Whole of Government
Related Services
Apply for job opportunities (recruitment)
Start Service
It allows the job seeker to access and apply for available job opportunities through the military authorities.
Conditions and regulations:
No fees
Service Provider
Other Units Affairs Department
Offical Contact:
Tel: 80077000 968+
Safety & Security
Transport & Communications
Agriculture & Fisheries
Social Service
Child & Family
Health and Sports
Citizenship & Residency
Local & Municipality
Business & Finance
Foreign Affairs
Shura (Parliament)
Education & Research
Religious Affairs
Housing & Planning
Life Events
Living in Oman
Having a Baby
Owning a Vehicle
Starting a Business
Getting a Job
Going to School
Growing Business
Activities and Permits
Filing Tax
Getting a House
Type of Service
Service Order
A to Z
Z to A
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