Related Services

  • The housing assistance service is provided to citizens with limited income to buy, build, repair, rebuild or make additions to an existing house.

    Conditions and regulations:
    • The applicant must be:
    • Omani nationality
    • - Married or insulting a family and that he is not less than 21 years old
    • He should not be an owner or his wife for any real estate or land equivalent to the value of residential assistance
    • - The owner or his wife should not be a residence housing or dispose of any kind of legal actions in order to benefit from assistance
    • He or his wife had to have benefited from a residential loan or residential assistance
    • He should not be an employee in the provision of a housing loan system for its employees
    • - That the total monthly salary does not exceed 300 nakedness
    Business & Finance
    Housing & Planning
    No fees
    Service Provider
    Social Housing Department and Projects

Offical Contact:

Tel: 80000099 968+